Wednesday, December 15, 2004

What does it mean?

WOW...My first day with my new blog. This is pretty wild I have always wanted to do something like this and am glad I am finally doing it. Somewhere to put my thoughts, dreams, ideas, etc. Like having a friend to bounce things off of and not getting any flack for why I am doing the things I am doing.

A little about myself....hmmm...

I will be celebrating my birthday in May, so approximately 5 months from now I will be 40. WOW where has the time gone? I have a teenage son who will 15 in a couple of days. He lives in Texas with my ex-wife so I do not get to see him alot, being here in Green Bay, WI the cheese capital of the world(or so it feels like).

I grew up in a little town in NE Iowa after moving there from the East coast. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters. I am not real close to my family and alot of my friends I have now wonder why. I guess it has something to do with the way I was brought up. Usually when the family gets together it is a big drunk fest, and somewhere along the line usually a fight breaks out. I already see a bit of this crossing over into my life. So the less contact I have maybe the less issues that will crossover into my own personal life. Who knows? I certainly do not.

Some may ponder the title of my blog. I am not necessarily searching for Serendipity I just ponder why the accidents in life, meaning the fortunate ones (to which serendipity refers) occur the way they do. More often than not there is know meaning behind them whatsoever. Them being fortunate should be a good thing, but if you are not ready for it, can it really be a good thing?

I am currently working through being single, it is not a very easy thing to do. I have been married for 10yrs, and was in a relationship after that for 4. This really is the first time in my life that I am single. I have been dating and have met someone. I thought that this person was the one but they had decided otherwise. I still think so but I guess only time will tell.

I was in New York City a few weeks ago with the person I thought was the one, we had a long weekend there and actually ate a the place called Serendipity 3 right out of the movie Serendipity it was awesome. Seems to me my life revolves around serendipitous events. People are brought into my life for a reason and I sit and wonder why??? I have been told that only time will tell, well I am not sure about that either.

Now I feel like I am just going on blah blah blah....or maybe wah wah know Charlie Browns teacher talking...I sometimes think is that what we hear on a daily basis? Are we not taking the time to really hear what people are trying to tell us? I think right now I am just going on and on about nothing really.

Well all are welcome to comment on what I have to say. Take care and until next time....remember....embrace the serendipitous events in your life...because they are happening daily and they are waiting to be revealed to you....